Shop Our Timor Specialty Coffee
(Loro Sa’e)
Sunrise has a full-bodied classic style with a smooth body and rounded finish that carries well through milk with familiar chocolatey notes.
This coffee is a crowd-pleaser when served to your friends and family (or just treat yourself to a cup as your daily starter!).
The care taken in processing, including final hand-selection of the bean following dry milling, gives you a coffee with bright flavour and sweetness which will enhance the start of each day.
The high elevation from which this coffee is harvested (up to 1750m) results in a harder, sweeter bean with greater intensity of flavour. ‘Sunrise’ will appeal to a wide audience and will suit a wide range of brewing parameters.
This blend has more bold, malty and dark chocolate notes.
A fruit-forward ‘natural process’ coffee that offers distinctive tangy fruit flavours with balanced sweetness and acidity.
‘Natural Process’ refers to this coffee’s unique method of processing where the ripe hand- selected fruit is slowly dried in the sun for three weeks on raised drying beds.
During this extended drying time, unique fruit flavours are imparted from the dried cherry into the coffee bean itself. This fruitiness continues through roasting and brewing onto the final cup.
Our Timor Mountain ‘Naturâl’ makes a full-bodied classic espresso or a distinctive french press or filter coffee.
This coffee offers a complex taste palate of tangy fruitiness with notes of dried apricot and mango.
This blend has more rich, fruity flavours and aroma.